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Updated: 4/1/2024 10:28:36 AM

GFMSA cycle Information Technology and content standards are essential in achieving interoperability of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) components across the National Systems for GEOINT (NSG) enterprise ranging from sensor systems, to ground stations, to enhancement applications, to exploitation workstations, to the Warfighter’s mission. These standards have become ever more critical as GEOINT components have become prolific across the battlefield, from water to ground, to air, to space, with exponential increases in diversity, complexity, and data production. For this, NGA established an NSG-wide GEOINT standards compliance metric program that facilitates the interoperability of GEOINT components across the NSG enterprise, known as GFMSA. National Geospatial-Intelligence’s Agency (NGA) is implementing GFMSA to ensure standards compliance for those systems required to use GEOINT standards during their acquisition cycle. This will ensure that GEOINT components have been tested and evaluated by a credible, independent organization and found to meet the standards compliance and interoperability qualification criteria set by the GEOINT Functional Manager, NGA.

For more information regarding GFMSA, go to https://intelshare.intelink.gov/sites/gfmsa

JITC’s Standards Compliance and Interoperability Test and Evaluation Programs provide the NSG community the credible, independent test services and rigor to support NGA’s qualification process. Our mission is to promote the successful development of US and non-US capabilities through JITC’s test and evaluation expertise, processes, and tools to meet program, community, and standards based requirements. The ultimate objective is to provision the Warfighter and NSG community with timely, relevant, and accurate GEOINT capabilities.

JITC is NGA’s Executive Test Agent for NITF Standards Compliance and Interoperability Test and Evaluation Program since 1991, an authorized test agent for Motion Imagery Standards compliance testing since 2007 and Moving Target Indicator standards compliance testing since 2008. For each of these suites of standards, JITC maintains community-recognized test procedures, software, and data. Refer to the following links for more information:

GEOINT Standards Conformance & Interoperability Testing