Seal of DoD Seal of DISA Seal of JITC
Updated: 12/27/2023 10:49:15 AM

GEOINT is the exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information to describe, assess, and visually depict physical features and geographically referenced activities on the earth. GEOINT consists of imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information. JITC’s GEOINT-TEC team specializes in testing systems and applications that collect, procure, produce, serve, exchange, or use GEOINT. Our focus is on the conformant implementation of NSG/ASG standards (https://nsgreg.nga.mil) using NGA endorsed test suites (e.g. test criteria, test applications, test data, test procedures). Our service provides Sponsors, Program Managers, GFMSA Managers, Interoperability Test Officers, developers, and other key stakeholders independent, authoritative results to contribute towards: Joint Interoperability Certification (REF: JITC Instruction 380-50-02, NSGD 3201), integration testing at the NGA’ Test Organization (REF: NSG TEMP), or for some agencies/programs to procure certified GEOINT products.

We tailor testing to system type, complexity, and maturity. The scale of testing includes: 1) quick looks for ad hoc samples, 2) assessments for conformance status evaluations, and 3) tests to issue conformance certification. Each of these vary in the level of effort in the form of test requisites (i.e. system requirements documents, design specifications, sampling requirements, test plans, etc.), test rigor (conformance criteria, test measures, sample volume, etc.) and deliverables (i.e. informal results, signed reports, cert issuance). Certification testing is performed on request assuming all test requisites (i.e. agreements, funds, system documentation, sample set requirements, etc.) are satisfied. The figure below depicts a full cycle support involving Standards Conformance Testing (SCT) and Interoperability (IOP) test support for certification purposes.

SCT Support Cycles

Upon successful testing, we generate a signed test report and list the system on our online conformance register (https://jitc.fhu.disa.mil/projects/nitf/conformance.aspx.) The test report details the standards tested, the conformance criteria satisfied, any observed limitations, testing methodology, and the analyses of results that concluded certification. Certification is indefinite, but specific to system version and configurations tested, as detailed by the report.

To schedule a test or to find out more about GEOINT-TEC services, please refer to our Contacts page.