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Updated: 12/27/2023 11:15:07 AM
Joint Interoperability Policy & Guidance

United States Code, Title 10 - Armed Forces

  • Chapter 131 requires the Secretary of Defense and the DoD Chief Information Officer to ensure that business systems, information technology, and national security systems are interoperable.

DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework

  • The AAF acquisition pathways provide opportunities for MDAs/DAs/PMs to develop acquisition strategies to match the characteristics of the capability being acquired.
  • IT/NSS, in applicable AAF acquisition pathways, with joint requirements require Joint Interoperability Certification per DoDI 8330.01.

DoDI 8330.01

  • Establishes interoperability policy, responsibilities, and procedures
  • Overarching policy


  • Implementation instructions for DoDI 8330.01
  • Actionable procedures
  • Contains list of NR KPP supporting DoDAF products

JITCI 380-50-02 *

  • JITC Policy for joint interoperability and standards conformance Test & Evaluation and Certification

Joint IOP Eval Guidebook

  • "How-to" guide for evaluating joint interoperability based on the NR KPP
  • Written for JITC AOs and testers

CJCSI 5123.01

  • Defines JCIDS roles and responsibilities
  • Establishes the JCIDS process
  • Provides a framework for process activities described in the JCIDS manual

JCIDS Manual with NR Content Guide

  • JCIDS requirements document content
  • Guidance and procedures for NR performance attribute development, staffing, and certification
  • Incorporates the NR KPP "how to" procedures on Intelink on-line publication

DoDI 8100.04

  • Establishes policy for the acquisition of Unified Capabilities products
  • Process includes interoperability certification and cybersecurity evaluation

UCR 2013 Change 2

  • Identifies the minimum requirements and features for UC products

APL Process Guide

  • Establishes and defines the process for listing a product on the APL

Distributed Testing

  • Provides UC Action Officers and Test Officers with guidance on executing the UC APL process consistently across JITC and the U.S. Distributed Test Facilities

Note *: JITCI 380-50-02 is under revision. The scope will broaden to cover JITC T&E and not just IOP

External Policy Links of Interest to JITC
DISA / JITC 2024