JITC has a mission requirement to support the directives of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction (CJCSI 6251.01), which mandates that JITC certify/assess Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Satellite Communications (SATCOM) terminals and UHF SATCOM channel controllers to conform to all UHF SATCOM waveform requirements contained within the UHF SATCOM Military Standards, MIL-STD-188-181/182/183/184/185/186 series, to include all MIL-STD revisions, MIL-STD change notices, draft MIL-STD revisions, draft MIL-STD change notices, applicable UHF SATCOM Waveform interface requirement documents, and future UHF SATCOM MIL-STDs under development.
The UHF SATCOM Waveforms are: Legacy Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA), Integrated Waveform (IW) Phase 1, IW Phase 2, Common Interactive Broadcast (CIB) Waveform, Legacy DAMA and IW Data Controller Waveform, Legacy DAMA Channel Controller Waveform, and IW Channel Controller Waveform.
JITC has established and maintains UHF SATCOM Certification Test Services to support the directives of the CJCSI 6251.01. Upon completion of successful testing of a SATCOM Terminal configuration, JITC issues a Standard Conformance Test (SCT) or Waveform Conformance Test (WCT) Certification letter. If the UHF SATCOM system, channel controller or data controller fails to meet all MIL-STD and waveform requirements, JITC issues a SCT or WCT Assessment letter. These certification and assessment letters are referenced by the Joint Staff (JS), with delegated support from the US Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) and Army Forces Strategic Command (ARSTRAT), to determine eligibility of UHF SATCOM terminals for live access to the UHF satellite constellation and network.
- To view complete certification results, you will require access to the JITC Joint Interoperability Tool (JIT).
- You are required to present a DoD-issued ID certificate or an ID Certificate issued from a DoD approved External Certificate Authority (ECA).
- A list of approved ECA vendors can be found at the ECA PKI Program page.
JTE1 Branch Chief:
(520) 533-0154