Seal of DoD Seal of DISA Seal of JITC
Updated: 4/2/2024 9:32:12 AM
3DES - Triple Data Encryption Standard
CA - Certificate Authority
CAA - CA Agent
CAC - Common Access Card
CM - Configuration Management
CN - Common Name
COE - Common Operating Environment
CP - Certificate Policy
CPA - Certification Practices Statement
CRL - Certificate Revocation List
DECC - Defense Enterprise Computer Center
DES - Data Encryption Standard
DII - Defense Information Infrastructure
DISA - Defense Information Systems Agency
DIT - Directory Information Tree
DN - Distinguished Name
DoD - Department of Defense
DRM - Data Recovery Manager
DS - Directory Server
DSA - Digital Signature Algorithm
DSS - Digital Signature Standard
ECA - External Certification Authority
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FIPS - Federal Information Processing Standard
FOC - Full Operational Capability
FPKI - Federal Public Key Infrastructure
GDS - Global Directory Services
HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS - Hypertext Transfer Protocol / Secure Socket Layer
I&A - Identification and Authentication
IA - Information Assurance
IECA - Interim External Certification Authority
IOC - Initial Operational Capability
JITC - Joint Interoperability Test Command
KEA - Key Exchange Algorithm
KMI - Key Managment Infrastructure
KRA - Key Recovery Agent
KRM - Key Recovery Manager
LDAP - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDIF - LDAP Data Interchange Format
LRA - Local Registration Authority
MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
MTA - Mail Transfer Agent
MUA - Mail User Agent
NIPRNET - Unclassified but Sensitive Internet Protocol Router Network
NSA - National Security Agency
OCSP - Online Certificate Status Protocol
OID - Object Identifier
OSC - Online Status Check
OU - Organizational Unit
PKCS - Public-Key Cryptography Standards
PKE - Public Key Enabled
PKI - Public Key Infrastructure
PMO - Program Management Office
PSM - Personal Security Manager
RA - Registration Authority
S/MIME - Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
SA - System Administrator
SABI - Secret and Below Interoperability
SHA - Secure Hash Algorithm
SIPRNET - Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
SMI - Security Management Infrastructure
SSAA - System Security Authorization Agreement
SSL - Secure Socket Layer
ST&E - System Test and Evaluation
TLS - Transport Layer Security
UID - Unique Identification
UIN - User Identification Number
VO - Verifying Official
WG - Working Group

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DISA / JITC 2024